When a Christian asks a person to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, many say no thank you, not right know, I'm not ready....I know, I use to be one of those people. In my case I thought I'm going to have to give up having a good time, no more parties, music, having to answer to a God (silly cause at the end of it all we all have to answer to HIM), etc. After I was born again I realized that what I "gave up" was nothing compared to what Jesus did for me and you. I see it this way now, in my tiny hand I place all my sorrow, depression, worries, confusion, all  the things I didn't want anymore (the devil lied to me so much for so long it costed me things....) and I handed it to Him, I put in at the foot of the cross. Now when I did that God turned around and just started just started to give me what He has in His hands for me.....love, joy, peace, complete marriage, eternal life and still has so much more lies ahead of me. So what are you afraid of giving up? To Be Continue...............

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