Good morning bloggers,

Well today is Monday and our summer vacation is over, it always seems so short but I'm thankful to God we got sometime to just relax. Was it perfect not but when is it ever, we laughed, ate, splashed, played, and all that so yeah all that out weight the few bad moments I had. Let's see what did we do, went to downtown Disney, golden corral, the beach, enjoyed eating out, went to West Palm Beach....didn't get to go to St. Augustine cause I had my period, and it rained so the drive-in trip was a bust :( and my hubby got to rest and spend time with the kids and me of course (he works like 45/50+ hours a week)
The great news is that we get to have a mini vacation this weekend, so we're off on Friday to enjoy the few things we didn't get to do this week.
Well after much debate and pain (aunt flow is here), we decided to head out and go to Golden Corral and Downtown Disney.......let me tell you GC was so pack but what's new lol.........but me being hard headed as always I wanted to eat at the one on international drive, BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so crowded, the food was not that great (I haven't been there in some time and let's just say it's not the same), the baby didn't really eat anything, after the girls "wanted to go so bad" they didn't eat anything compared to what I though they were going to eat, but I will say my daughter's boyfriend I'll take him to eat anytime, cause he ATE lol. After food, spills and laughs we packed in the minivan again and headed to DTD....had the best time, seeing my baby boy enjoy these new sights and my girls acting like little kids and enjoying the end of the night it was worth it. Thank you God for making this a great day even with aunt flow trying to stop me :) Well good night bloggers.

Well yesterday at 5:01pm our offical family vacation started, so happy but yeup there's a BUT, there always is lol.

Anywho had a great time seeing my baby nephew (which by the way is a week old yesterday) and got to spend time with my sister n her family had a great time, always enjoy my time with them.

But here comes the BUT(boooooooooooooooooooo).....aunt flow showed up not in full mood but enough to make me have to chage my plans for our 1st of our stay-cation 

So I'm sitting here in pain waiting for everyone to get up, the alarm is going off right now like mad and I just don't want to get up the pain IS that bad, It's my cell phone alarm and it's in my purse so no one hears it buy me.

So still not sure what we're doing today, I do know I'm enjoying that huby is home :)

OK this is working my last nerve, oh he heard it great now he can turn it off.